Message From the Mohr AC Team
To our customers,
Since there has been increasing concern surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19), we wanted to express complete transparency and reassurance when it comes to our services.
In regard to concerns about the preparation and commitment of companies across all industries, we want to make sure you know that we are available for anything you may need during this time.
We are working with all staff to implement safety measures according to the CDC guidelines as well as monitoring effects this may have on our area specifically. No matter what, we are committed to providing the best service to you while keeping you and our employees healthy. This includes mandatory testing for employees that travel to affected areas of the country and implementing strict cleanliness instructions while on the job. As updates continue to come through, we will make the necessary adjustments while keeping your wellbeing our number one priority.
Other cautionary measures we’ve put in place for your protection include:
- We are utilizing new floor savers for each home we enter.
- We have implemented using new pairs of gloves with each customer we help
- Hand sanitizing before entering a home and upon exiting one’s home
- We are refraining from hand-shaking, as a precautionary measure.
- ANY employee not feeling well, we have advised them to contact their Family Physician and remain at home.
We know that just because some industries are not able to function as normal, it doesn’t mean that personal lives can simply be put on pause. If there is anything we can do to make lives easier during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out.
All of us at Mohr Air Conditioning